You brush your teeth and floss daily, right?... Right? Of course you do! Well, my friends, the Esthetician in me needs to tell you that tending to your skin is just as important. That's right, I'm a licensed Esthetician. Bet ya didn't know that! Well, now you do!
In beauty school they started us off with the basics including how to wash your face. I know what you're thinking... "Come on, I know how to wash my face, Starr!" buuut I am sad to report that 8 out of 10 ladies don't know how to wash their face correctly. Yup, they're doing it wrong, wrong, all wrong! Many skin blunders can easily be avoided with the simple technique of washing your face correctly. So here are the steps to take to clean your face the correct way.
Step 1. Massage face with a cleanser and wash cloth for 60 seconds. That's right, you need more than just water and your hands. Unfortunately that's the BIGGEST mistake people make when tending to their face. Suds up with a face cleanser like Dermalogica or Cetaphil. If you don't use a wash cloth, you are missing tons of gunk. Don't believe me? Wash your face with your paws and then go back and rewash with a wash cloth and you'll be grossed out at what your digits missed. True story. That's why certain electronic scrubbers like the Clarasonic are being raved about..... not to mention the aid of a cloth or scrubber helps with exfoliation and leads to ridding dead skin, cell turn over, and ultimately smoother, healthier looking skin.
Step 2. After cleansing your mug. Pat dry and use a cotton ball and an astringent. This reduces any left over oils, retains moisture, and approves the skin's appearance and overall tone. Hence the name "Toner". It's main function is to bring your skin back to it's natural PH balance, an important step for a healthy glow. My favorite is from Proactive.
Step 3. The final step is Moisturizer. This is a given for those with Dry skin but it's also essential for Combo as well as Oily skin types. Most ladies with these skin types skip this step thinking that it's going to make their face oilier. You couldn't be more wrong with this assumption. The purpose of a moisturizer is to hydrate the skin and essentially give it a drink. A moisturized face is very different from an oily face. In fact oily skin is often dehydrated because the skin tries to make up for water loss by producing more oil aka dirt and sebum. Think of it as refusing to put water in your mouth when you're severely parched... it doesn't make sense. If you were dying of thirst, you'd guzzle some water stat. Problematic skin, even those with cystic acne still need hydration. That being said, my favorite moisturizer is for sensitive skin and happens to be oil free, it's by Neutrogena.
So there you have it, girls. Follow these 3 easy steps and your face will be cleansed correctly and officially given the V.I.P. treatment! You glow, girl!
Being a painter my manicures last typically around an hour. So I have to capture these rare moments when my nails are looking decent! I was in the mood for some taupe. I now bring to you one of my favs. O.P.I.'s You don't know Jacques! Now available in Gel. Oohh lala! Get it while you can!
O.P.I. Nail Lacquer retails for $8 and is available at most local beauty stores
I recently got a ton of compliments on this ole outfit of mine. Even though it's technically "Winter" in L.A. you wouldn't know it from the weather. It's been pretty toasty lately with average highs of 83 degrees. So the slightest cool down is cause for sweater and scarf. That's right baby, I like to layer on as much on as possible. I have also been known to wear scarves with tank tops as well, but that's besides the point. Accessories are a must I tell you! Anyway, I thought I'd share the deets of my outfit so you can get your cute on too!
Scarf: X-mas gift from my Bestie, Sara (Available at Charlotte Russe )
A dear friend of mine gifted me "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho for my Birthday last year. I've been meaning to share this review with you all and figure now is the perfect time, since we're in the first month of a brand new year.
The Alchemist was first published in 1988 and originally written in Portuguese. It's been translated to over 56 languages without losing it's message. It is an international bestseller. It's sold over 30 million copies making it one of the best selling books in history. It's quickly become one of my favorite books of all time.
The book takes you on a journey throughout Egypt following a young Andalusian Shepherd named Santiago. Santiago has a reoccurring dream of finding treasure and shows just how far he's willing to go to reach his dreams (Literally).
I don't want to spoil the story for you so I'll keep it a secret if Santiago overcomes all obstacles to make his dreams a reality. However, I will share some of my favorite quotes:
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”
I do believe in the power of manifestation. You can achieve anything that you can dream up. The only thing that can ultimately stop you from achieving your dream is yourself. There is such a thing as fate but it can only take you so far. After a certain point it's kind of up to you to make it happen.
Quick shout out to my friend, Serg for sharing this beautiful story of following ones dreams no matter how hard the struggle. Anything is possible!
If you haven't already, get yourself a copy of this powerfully inspiring book and follow your dreams, wherever they take you!
Starting on January 1st 2014 plastic bags were shunned in L.A. making shopping annoying as hell. As if I don't have enough shit to carry around, now I'm expected to cart around my own shopping totes along with my huge ass Mary Poppins style purse or pay 10 cents extra for a paper bag. How do you think this makes plastic bags feel?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about recycling, reducing, and reusing. The mere thought of Bette Midler hunting me down for not recycling put the fear in me years ago. I started my own plastic bag collection many moons ago and reuse for bringing lunches to work, picking up dog crap, lining the trash bin in the bathroom, etc..
However, I do think it's tragic that majority of said bags end up in the ocean only to kill birds and turtles. I'm just having myself a temper tantrum and need an outlet to Bitch it out. You should have seen me trying to juggle wine, tampons, and chocolate out of my local grocery store. It wasn't the prettiest of sites. Don't judge me.
I wonder if shoplifting will increase due to the illegalness that has become of plastic bags. No bag? No problem, just put it in your pocket, purse, jacket.... Hmmm I'm sensing a whole other problem arising in the future. Let's save that discussion for another time.
Ahh I feel better now. Thanks for letting me rant. Tell me how are you coping with the loss of bags being provided to you with your purchase? Have you hopped on the bandwagon that is in favor of the prejudice that is plastic? Have you had to make the tough decision to downgrade to the smaller bottle of alcohol because it fits better in your purse? Did you resort to turning into Warren from "Empire Records" and five finger discount yourself a Whitney Houston C.D.? Honestly, I'd love to hear it!
Hollaaaa! We're a week into the new year. I am predicting some amazing things for 2014. My expectations are pretty high because to be honest 2013 brought some cray cray (in a good way) things my way. (That was a lot of rhyming).
I launched my online shop, StarrJoy16 and started a jewelry line. I literally turned my hobby of painting into a business venture via wearable creations. I couldn't be more proud and am happy to say that I am making my dreams come true. I just wanted to take this moment to thank everyone in my life. Without your support I never would have had the cajones to do this! The support of my peeps means the world and truly inspires me to keep moving forward and keep creating.
Black butterflies Canvas Painting $35
Black Butterflies Necklace $10
Black Butterflies Ring $8
"Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready."
It all started with Canvas and paint and has lead to jewelry boxes, and evolved to accessories such as necklaces and rings. I'm excited to continue on this journey and to share what the next transformation of StarrJoy16 brings. There's a lot more up my sleeve so please stay tuned for what's up next.
For X-mas I gifted a friend this friggin awesome Brenda Walsh mug shot tee. Available at TheSellOut on I mean seriously.... How awesome is this t-shirt?!
Needless to say, she's team Brenda. I'm team Kelly, so I thought my gift was hilarious and completely appropriate. She loved it of course (I mean regardless of what team you're on it's Brenda Walsh's mug shot for crying out loud!) So it came as no surprise that she sported it the very next day. We both weren't expecting the backlash that followed. Upon Instagramming a photo of herself representing the tee, people didn't hold back on stating their opinion on the famous love triangle spewing "I hate Brenda" and "Brenda sucks balls" Outrage! Ridiculous or not 22 years later and the feud is still going...
If you recall in 1992, Season 3 of Beverly Hills 90210
Brenda and Dylan were on again off again for the first two seasons when Brenda left to spend a summer in Paris. While Brenda was away, Kelly and Dylan did play. The Beverly Hills Beach Club sparked the scene of the crime. Kelly having a lifelong crush on Dylan could no longer resist the temptation. Honestly, can you blame her? His scar on the eyebrow still gets me. The pair's feelings for each other progressed from simple flirtation to full on fling. Once the summer ended, however they hid their romance and Kelly had to watch Brenda and Dylan together again
Cut to Brenda and Dylan breaking up. Kelly questioned Brenda about her feelings on Dylan's new love life. Brenda stated that he was free to date whoever he wanted, and Kelly began seeing him next. Which of course let to Brenda becoming angered and feeling betrayed. Dylan was told that he would eventually have to choose between the two girls.
Drumroll please: He chose Kelly, which brought the new couple to also reveal the deep dark secret of their summer tryst. Which once again just pissed Brenda off all over again. Seriously, when was this girl not on her period?
Shannen Doherty speaks out on her thoughts on the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly love triangle:
"I understand Brenda's side and it's not just because I played her. It's because I think it speaks to me as a human being. My girlfriends and I have always had a pact our entire lives much like the guys have 'bros before' whatever they say--which is something not very nice. It's the same with us girls. You know, it's friends before boyfriends. There's an honor code. If you spotted him first, he's all yours. Go for it."
Let me point out that Brenda Walsh is not the victim here. Does anyone remember Dean Cain?! How she pulled the wool over his eyes with that terrible French accent is beyond me. The cheater became the cheated. That's Karma right there for you folks.
And let's not forget that Kelly did in fact meet and spot Dylan first. Having met him when they were children and developing an established crush. In my opinion she called dibs first. Dylan just wasn't interested in her at the time. Tear, so sad. Good thing he eventually came to his senses though.
I don't care what anyone says. These two belong together on and off screen. Actually, can't we all just get along and be Team Dylan? I think we can all agree that this was one epic love triangle. So, which side are you on?